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The word that comes to my mind to describe my time at Quintinha do Mar doing the 7 days Detox is : "wonderful".

I came to Quintinha do Mar with a certain apathy towards life and towards my health, and I needed to realign myself.
There, I found therapies (Chi Kung and Meditation) that increased my vitality and helped me connect with myself. The walks by the sea were the icing on the cake.
The Family Constellations helped me to deal with issues that came from the past, which liberated me a little more and brought me peace.
Then, the massages calmed me down and aligned me.
Regarding the physical part, I arrived with fasting blood sugar values of 180 and after the 7 days of Detox, I was at 88 !!!!
I went from 72kg to 66kg !
The word that comes to my mind to describe my time at Quintinha do Mar doing the 7 days Detox is : "wonderful".
Eternally (tenderly) grateful ! 

Cristóvão Veríssimo , 7- Days Detox with Individual Therapies

This retreat was an anchor for what was to come. And I hope that many others will have the privilege of navigating it, in this very special place called Quintinha do Mar.

My name is Sofia, I'm 27 years old and for a few years now, I've been trying to do at least one retreat a year, a time when I silence myself, look inside and try to find some answers. This year, the New Year's Retreat was really the right time to do this, starting this new cycle even more aligned with my intentions. Quintinha do Mar is a very special place, full of history and Paula is the best hostess we could wish for.
During the retreat, I had the chance to experience Family Constellations for the first time, a therapeutic method that had been drawing my attention, but about which I still knew little. Doing a constellation was a very intense experience, but also very transformative for me.
This retreat was an anchor for what was to come. And I hope that many others will have the privilege of navigating it, in this very special place called Quintinha do Mar.
I can only thank all of the wonderful people who have been with me on this journey, as well as Paula and the therapists who have bestowed their knowledge upon me and led me to see things about myself that I didn't know I needed to see, without ever letting go of my hand. 

Sofia Pádua , 2 Days Detox Retreat

The funny thing is that I had thought I was going to be the same after the retreat...  I couldn't have been more wrong! I came out quite a different person and even my friends can see the light within me, without my saying anything.  

After so many weeks, I finally leave here my testimonial about the retreat, it is a text which I wrote in the very week after our retreat, and that illustrates what it meant to me to be there and experience this retreat.
This retreat was a very special experience for me, and I felt as if I was " hungover" in the first days after coming back home.
I entered with an open heart, and I received so much unexpected love that even today I get emotional when I think about it.
I realized that this experience was really so transformative and liberating for me because I was able to be me. I followed my heart all the time, without rationalising and I allowed myself to live and receive what the Universe was handing back to me. And the Universe was so generous to me!
I also feel that being open-hearted allowed me to be and live without judgement and I ended up being more centred in myself.
I followed my intuition during the various therapies, sometimes I felt I didn't always know what I was talking about specifically, but over the past few days I have been able to finalise and better understand various aspects of my life. What a growth I am experiencing!
The funny thing is that I had thought I was going to be the same after the retreat...  I couldn't have been more wrong! I came out quite a different person and even my friends can see the light within me, without my saying anything.  
I decided to attend this retreat because I wanted to slow down and get away from the chaos of experiencing all the stress that had been going on in my life and to relax a bit. Now I feel the need to be with myself, alone, in a way I had never felt before, and also to spend more time in touch with nature, just feeling.
This retreat gave me a feeling of peace and great happiness. When I close my eyes I can still return to that feeling, although it's more subtle now. I know that my task is to be able to maintain this peace and make it expand in my heart. I am on the right path.
I am so grateful, I share my experience with you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for everything you have enabled us to live.

Sara Freitas , 2-Days Detox Retreat

I've had the opportunity to meet wonderful people. To me, it was a marvellous and very rewarding encounter of souls.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone at Quintinha do Mar and a special thanks to my beloved Paula for this fantastic experience.
I came to the 3-day retreat with the intention of opening my heart and embracing new people. I wanted to get to know myself a little bit more. To challenge myself and discover who I am. To improve my understanding of myself.
I've had the opportunity to meet wonderful people. To me, it was a marvellous and very rewarding encounter of souls.
I have learnt to love myself a little more. I have learnt to accept myself a little more. I have learnt to forgive myself a little more.
Those were 3 days of pure love, joy, energy, sharing and friendship.
I left the place carrying with me the feeling tones of Courage, Dedication and Self Love.
And also a mantra that I experienced during one of the group activities. A mantra that I'd like to share with you with all my love: "I open my heart and welcome new people into my life."
This mantra that I sensed there is the phrase that best describes my experience at Quintinha do Mar.
Once again thank you very much.

Joana Botelho , 2-Days Detox Retreat

I dived very deep inside myself.

It is wonderful to pass on what I feel deep in my Soul !
I dived very deep inside myself. The circumstances that brought me to this retreat were very delicate ... and old.
Paula and Hélène gave me the tools to move forward, not to stay in the same old situation any longer. I am very grateful to feel released from the heaviest stones that I was carrying in my backpack !

Anonymous, 2- Days detox Retreat

It was a weekend dedicated to taking care of the body, the soul and the spirit, with many teachings and reflection moments every day.

The New Year's Retreat was an opportunity for me to end 2022 and start 2023 in a very special way, feeling connected not only with the friendly group but mostly with myself.
It was a weekend dedicated to taking care of the body, the soul and the spirit, with many teachings and reflection moments every day.
What made these days even more colourful was the contact with the surrounding nature and the wonderful meals!
There was a lot of sharing of experiences, and the re-signifying process happened in a natural but very deep way.
I want to express my gratitude to the group and to the organizers, Paula and Hélène, for the love and commitment throughout the whole retreat.
I hope these words will inspire all those who seek to devote time to themselves in a special way.

Raquel Oliveira , 2-Days Detox Retreat

Those were days of introspection, sharing beautiful experiences, teachings and setting self-care routines and goals for the new year.

To be on a retreat at Quintinha do Mar for New Year's Eve was a transformative experience.
A beautiful estate, surrounded by nature, with the sound of the sea in the background.
Paula and the group welcomed me with warmth and made me feel at home from the very first minute. Those were days of introspection, sharing beautiful experiences, teachings and setting self-care routines and goals for the new year.
Above all, those were days filled with love and transformation. I have very beautiful memories of these three days, I came back with my heart filled and with the desire to repeat the experience.
Thank you Paula! Thank you to the group!

Sofia Gonçalves , 2-Days Detox Retreat

This end of the year I had my third retreat at Quintinha do Mar. And it was wonderful!

This end of the year I had my third retreat at Quintinha do Mar. And it was wonderful!
Thanks to the good energy that you can breathe there, to the teachings and the sharing of experiences.
It was a weekend that left my heart filled with love and with batteries charged to start the new year.
Paula is a Being of Light that has been very important in my personal growth and development.
I want to express my gratitude for everything she has made possible for me.

Carla Lima , 2-Days Detox Retreat

Truly Healing Space.

The whole atmosphere of this place with incredible loving Paula is such a blast for the soul. Cannot express my gratutude in words. The home is very cosy, food is just delicious, qi gong and yoga lessons were absolutly amazing I have learnt so much, therapy from Romi and ayurvedic massage helped me to see and realize many things about myself. The location is so peacefull and very close to the ocean through such a wonderfull path. It was magical time for me. And loving and carying Paula on top witj her beautiful family. Many thanks.

Iva Sedlackova , 7-Days Detox Retreat

The whole experience really was life changing. I’ve never been anywhere so warm, welcoming and kind before. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for something peaceful, rejuvenating and unique.

Amazing life changing experience! Lovely warm welcome from our hosts Paula, Yanina and Estaban. They are truly wonderful people. The food was beautiful, Vegan and incredibly nourishing, healthy and prepared with lots of love. Nothing was too much trouble for our hosts. My mum was ill (sunstroke) for one of the days we were here and they all took wonderful care of her. We had two Ayurvedic massages whilst we were there and they were fantastic. Our room was beautifully decorated, incredibly clean and with lots of lovely personal touches, ornaments and unique furniture. It was a very comfortable place to stay. The surroundings are so peaceful and maintained beautifully. There are two beaches nearby which are fantastic. We enjoyed some wonderful days out to Sintra, Mafra and the local beaches. The Yoga with Sara (twice a day) was amazing. It was a small class (usually only two of us) in beautiful surroundings. She was incredibly patient, kind and friendly. We were very sad to leave everyone and we feel like we have made some lovely friends. The whole experience really was life changing. I’ve never been anywhere so warm, welcoming and kind before. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for something peaceful, rejuvenating and unique. We’d love to go back. The surfing was ok but we only went once. I must stress that this is provided by an external company and not run by the retreat. Very friendly but we preferred to enjoy our retreat instead.

Laura Magin, 7- Days Detox Retreat

At Quintinha people are helpful, understanding, non-judgemental, creative and inventive.

A wonderful week at Quintinha do Mar. There were so many things I enjoyed at Quintinha: Paula`s company and her talent of asking the right questions, the excellent food she serves for lunch and dinner, the healing space she provides, the teachers and facilitators she invites to teach Yoga and other methods of relaxation. At Quintinha people are helpful, understanding, non-judgemental, creative and inventive. Not surprisingly, I enjoyed being part of this family-run project. It is also a nice quiet location, very close to S. Julião beach.

Sabina Mendes , 7- Days Detox Retreat

Retreat filled with Miracles.

This retreat just had it all... a wonderful garden, beautiful yogaspace inside, great location close to the ocean, delicious vegan food, very skilled teachers and lovely company of Paula herself. Everything came together for me and it changed my life! When you pay attention... there's miracles around you every day.

Anonymous, 7-Days Detox Retreat with Therapies

One of the best places ever.

Incredible! The owner Paula is one of the lovliest persons ever! Talking to her makes you think about life in another way. The place is just a five minute walk from the beach and if you ever need a lift to somewhere, don't hesitate to ask - they never refused to give me a ride. The food is just delicious and the atmosphere and the vibe of the place is one in a million! You will feel at home within the first few minutes of arrival. There are heaps of great places around and I'm glad I didn't miss out on this experience. Definitely one of the best trips ever taken.

Caroline Warzycha, 7 Days Detox Retreat

Very authentic place.

Authentic yoga retreat that can change your life! I felt this place is very authentic and not the typical 'hip' yoga place you can find everywhere nowadays. If you're willing to pay close attention to everything the people around you are giving you (e.g. my yoga-teacher, my new friends that I made and Paula, the owner) it can really change your life. The food is prepared with a lot of love and is very tasty and healthy. Paula, who cooks as well, likes to cook vegan and as much as possible from her own (permaculture) garden with seasonal vegetables that grow in the region. We had the opportunity to get to know Paula a bit and great about her is, is that she leaves everyone in their own value and gives you ideas about what she knows and learned (which is a lot!). This place has all the ingredients you need to calm down, relax, reflect and heal: very warm relaxing yoga, delicious food, nice people, wonderful big garden overviewing the valley and the ocean literally around the corner. Coming back from that amazing place in nature I noticed how big the impact has been. This place is TRULY beautiful!! I wish Paula & her family all the best and lots of love!

Anonymous, 7-Days Detox Retreat

An excellent stay to relax and re-energize.

Paula was the most amazing host, whom really made an effort at all times. Heartwarming place with really eco friendly and re-energize food. I choosed the detox program which I have tried to follow now, even after the vacation. I received great tips especially suited for me. I will definitely visit again.

Kristin Skaanes, 7-Days Detox Retreat

By the end of the week we felt physically, emotionally and spiritually lifted and well. 

A very, very special place. Calm and serene with homely, simple accommodation in a beautiful location not too far from the magnificent Atlantic coast. A place to heal your body and mind in the care of some of the warmest and kindest people we have ever met. Paula, Romi, Sarah, Rita, Jorges and the other team members are committed to their work. Twice daily yoga (with the brilliant teacher Sarah), Qigong, Reflexology and massages along with a strict detox programme of soups and juices tailored to individual physical needs. We are so grateful to Paula and her staff for their knowledge, gentle guidence and support. It is a strict and challenging detox programme but by the end of the week my two sisters and I each felt physically, emotionally and spiritually lifted and well. Just wonderful. Thank you to Paula for everything.

Marilyn Smith, 7-Days Detox Retreat

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